Friday, December 4, 2009

Did Kobe and the Lakers get screwed against the Suns?

Nah, they just plain suck. That explains why they barely finished above .500 and barely limped into the playoffs.

Did Kobe and the Lakers get screwed against the Suns?basketball tickets

Lakers have always sucked but just even more so this season. I Love watching the Lakers play the Suns. Humiliation... I Loved watching Larry Brown's Pistons %26amp; Lakers in 2004. That last game was awesome.

Now I understand Dan Druf's hostility towards the best team in the NBA...The Suns - slaughtered his precious Laker team :(

P.S. I have lived in LA for the last 18 years. If I am going to root for LA maybe, just maybe one day it will be for the Clippers.

Did Kobe and the Lakers get screwed against the Suns?nba warriors ,nba teams

I'm a Lakers fan and I say they just didn't have enough help. The only factors were Kobe, Lamar, and Walton. They don't have good role players that the problem. As for last year they had your Suns beat but I give em their props though. If you look at all the Championship teams they had complementary players. Jordan had Pippen, Ron Harper who averaged 20 with Cleveland, Kukoc, B.J. Armstrong, Kerr, Paxon, Winnington, and later Rodman.
why are we talking about the losers in L.A anyway?
hahaha true just like they will next year and i hope kobe gets even more mad
Did Amare %26amp; the Suns get screwed against the Spurs? Nah, they just plain suck. Quit your whining Jeff. Grow a pair. Act like a man. Quit sniveling like a little girl.
be quiet

I am a huge Laker fan, and a huge Kobe fan. But my answer is definetly not invalid. I know the Lakers suck, most Laker fans do. If anyone is biased, its you, against Laker fans. Everyone in the world knows the Suns are a better team than the Lakers. But if im not mistaken, right now the Suns are in the exact same place as the Lakers... and that is FISHIN'.

I agree that the Suns are much better than the Lakers. The Lakers need to get some more help for Kobe, nobody can win by themselves. Nash couldnt win without Stoudimire, Bell, Marion, etc. Nobody can win all by themselves.
Well will you look at that.. a crybaby Suns fan taking his anger out on the Lakers. Dude, get over it! The Suns lost and the Spurs won! All your crying and immaturity won't make a difference, now suck it up and take it like a man, it's what a REAL fan does.
uh, how long ago was this. Since the suns lost to the spurs, are you trying to make them still look good by saying they beat LA. At least the lakers did win the championsip before. What has nash won: nothing. So don't disrespect the lakers, they already had their championships many times.
if you're a laker or kobe fan, your input is next to invalid, seeing as you're biased...but no..obviously the Suns are a WAAAYYYY better TEAM than the Lakers, who used to have an actual lineup, what with Derek Fisher, Robert Horry, Shaq, all who have since leaving LA have shown up in their respective conference finals (excluding shaq, this year). Like i said, Fisher led the Jazz (def. not a fan of Utah), and Horry's made some key plays for the Spurs the last three seasons (not counting the body check on Nash). All in all, the lakers just couldn't compete with Phoenix, last year, this year or any forseeable time in the near future, btw, Kobe is a one-dimensional player, who didn't deserve the defensive team selection
lakers suck,really bad. i have a lot respect for kobe but he can't do the job by himself they need at least 2 good people to back him up

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